It would take 17 Snapchat stories, 4 Instagram profiles, a couple of Facebook posts and a Boomerang to describe what I do, but I’m going squeeze it into a quick scroll below.

Hi, I’m Rijuta and I love (LOVE!) creating Digital Content and Design. I’ve worked with brands and magazines — like Victoria Beckham, Cosmopolitan, House BeautifulArmani, Furla, Satya Paul and Harper’s Bazaar — all over from Singapore to India and now New York. Apart from strategizing some pretty cool social media campaigns for them, it’s been amazing spearheading their websites and directing their visual voice to keep one step ahead of the game.

I don’t believe in life without emoji and memes, but in the rare moments when I’m offline, I write, illustrate book covers, do album art for bands and there’s that TEDx event I once spoke at.


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